Welcome to Chocolate Poetry Therapy!

Instead of buying a gift card, think about writing your own personalized message. Let’s write one together! For weddings, birthdays, celebrations, congratulations, a loss, an illness, encouragement after a setback…

I also propose to help you write a longer poem or text and, along the way, discover that the most beautiful gift comes from the heart, is priceless, can bring laughter! or tears of joy! or it can simply ring true.

Have you ever been given a gift, like chocolates let’s say, and even though you may love chocolates or the gift you got, you felt unsatisfied, like there was something missing? Like a few words on a piece of paper to make it more meaningful?

For me, the greatest gift of all is a gift of words.

Introducing: chocolate poetry and prose

Chocolate poetry is me helping you, and together « finding the right words » that allow you to discover the magic hidden inside of you.

We begin by you describing your feelings and thoughts on the topic you choose and then writing them down together. Once this is complete, we study the text and move toward considering changing certain words.

Finding new words will enable us to see things differently, sometimes with an inkling of humor or at least with new perspectives. It could take anywhere from minutes to hours to months.

Chocolate poetry reveals many things, like what you’ve been wanting to say to a sweetheart on Valentine’s day or to your Mom on her birthday. It’s also a way of facing and coming to terms with an issue you’re having trouble with, like a relationship that’s not going well or a painful loss. Together, we can complete a piece, whether it be about your inner journey, or a few lines to accompany your gift, or for a speech that you can read aloud at a celebration. Writing is also therapeutic. Not only will it be beneficial for you, but it will positively impact those around you.

I call it chocolate poetry because I like to consider our thoughts as molded chocolates that can be melted and remolded. Chocolate, like poetry, is a marvelous gift to give, receive or just buy (or write) for personal consumption.

Did I awaken your deep, inner desire or longing to write? Or your wonder to experience the power of words? Sometimes, even a single word can make a difference.

Let’s get started together.

Contact: info@chocolatepoetrytherapy.com

Gift poems
Poetry therapy
Seniors & Youth
French version